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Wednesday 17 October 2012

Now then, now then, Dr Smudge

Nobody can have missed the endless stream of Jimmy Savile stories over the last weeks. The Times Picture Desk called me this week about some pictures I took of Savile in 1990 and the memories came flooding back. I was sent to Stoke Mandeville to do "A day in the life" of Savile to back-pedal over a story we were pursuing regarding the Kegworth plane crash which I can't go into here. Anyway it was my "pleasure" to shoot Savile all over the hospital. Looking through the negatives I found in the loft this week I snapped him receiving giant cheques and holding court generally with consultants, nurses, patients, staff and families. He was a broadsheet snapper's nightmare as every time a camera was raised so would be his thumbs and cigar. I was called Dr. Smudge all day from the Fleet Street nick-name "Smudger". Actually, Dr Smudge is quite a good name for a band! Better than our own Zimmer Band.

©copyright Michael Powell

Eventually I got what I wanted when I heard of a patient who had broken his neck celebrating atop the Berlin Wall but keeping the Savile thumbs down was farcical. Shooting on a 200mm lens wide open down a long corridor I had to keep walking back to him to try "keep it natural", something completely alien to him. I had to actually physically pose him before getting the shot The Times used. Here it is.